
cosmic string 【物理學】(大爆炸后形成的)宇宙帶〔指能量的帶狀濃密集結...

cosmic year

Using the lagrangian at a finite temperature of the scalar field which can generate global cosmic string in the spontaneous breakdown , solved the gravitational field equation outside the core of a global cosmic string at the background of temperature , corrected the result in the theory at zero temperature . on the basis of this , the properties of the gravitational field outside the core of a global cosmic string are discussed 考慮溫度效應,運用改寫的能自發破缺產生整體宇宙弦的標量場在有限溫度下的拉氏密度,求解了整體宇宙弦核外的引力場方程,對零溫理論中的結果作了修正,進而討論弦核外引力場的性質

Some think of cosmic string . then they soon realize that this will require the total energy from the universe to construct the time machine out of cosmic string and hence is also impossible . that leads to the suggestion by many scientists of the not - yet - proven “ chronology protection conjecture “ , which says that the laws of physics do not allow time machines to the past 在科普刊物中,我們間中便會聽說有科學家提出回到過去的方法,但經詳細研究后發現,所有這些方法都有很大的漏洞,例如有人曾經提出利用黑洞的近親蟲洞作為時光機,但這時光機只是單向:只能進入不能離開又有人曾利用宇宙弦作回到過去的工具,后來卻發現需要全宇宙的能量才能建造那時光機,所以也是不可行的。

There are other models of dark energy besides those based on scalar fields . one scenario is “ solid “ dark matter , typically based on networks of tangled cosmic strings or domain walls 當然亦有些黑暗能量理論模型并未引入純量場的觀念,其中一個假設是實黑暗物質的存在,這些物質可以是糾結的宇宙弦網絡或區域墻。